On Wed, Dec 09, 1998 at 11:42:50PM +0100, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> This is no bug in the software. It sends the mail as
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a valid address in my own
> net. Clearly, this is not a valid address, when the mails leaves my
> net through my dialup link.

> There is no reason for all software to ba able to specify a from
> header, if the MTA can insert a proper one if needed. IMHO.

    And say I am on your machine and want to make a report and have it comes
back to my machine (rpglink.com).  Are you going to insert another rewrite

    Now apply that to, say, an ISP that allows shell access that has, hold

[EMAIL PROTECTED];0.05:/s1/morpheus}wc /etc/passwd
    7015   16575  505378 /etc/passwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED];0.05:/s1/morpheus}

    About 7000 customers.  Are you going to write rules for all 7000 if they
want mail to go elsewhere or would you rather that the software that makes
the report will allow those 7000 people, or me if I were on your machine, to
take responsibility for that?  If you're one of those 7000 customers would
you rather have the option of configuring it yourself or pestering the
SysAdmin to do it?

    Because of the above reasons, to me the from: address is a user-level
variable and should be configurable at that level for *ANY* software that
sends out mail.

             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my
    http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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