On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, shaul wrote:

> [01:53:38 shaul]$ sudo -l
> You may run the following commands on this host:
>     (root) /sbin/halt
>     (root) /sbin/shutdown -r "now"
>     (root) /sbin/shutdown -h "now"
> [01:55:14 shaul]$ sudo reboot
> Sorry, user shaul is not allowed to execute "/sbin/reboot" as root on rakefet.

I'm guessing that reboot != shutdown -r "now".  Try running:
sudo shutdown -r "now"


+---                                                              ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://bhmit1.home.ml.org/ |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

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