On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, eferen1 wrote:

> This is a follow up to my previous message.
> I guess I should have been more specific about this problem. I installed
> FreeBSD 3.0 to see if it would connect, but it didn't either. Here are the
> details;
> 1. I have MS Network. The local provider provides the IP address.
> 2. I cannot get the IP address either from WIN dial-up properties or from
> the internet properties.
> 3. I do not know the DNS, probably server provided also as is the above.
> 4. In FreeBSD, a separate terminal is used (vty3). Here I give the 'TERM'
> command and go back to vty1 and press return. In six seconds it disconnects.
> 5. It apparently doesn't dial out at all.
> 6. In Debian I get the same result, only a little quicker.
> 7. My modem type is: MD 6800-U Modem (AZT 4023).
> 8. I should also state that I believe this to be a WIN Modem. Correct? (It's
> been several years since I've delved into the hardware end of computing,
> that's why I'm rusty.)
> I hope this helps to bring about a solution. (Like, does Debian, or even
> Linux period, support a WIN modem?)

No. That's why it's called a WIN modem. It won't work with Linux and it
won't work with OS/2 and it won't work with BeOS and it won't even work
with the next version of Windows unless the manufacturer decides to put
the expense/effort of writing a new driver for it; hmmm, maybe they could
sell you a new modem instead....

The manufacturer takes the brains out of the hardware and let's your PC's
CPU spend it's time and effort doing the modulation/demodulation (mo-dem)
thing (possibly slowing down your PC). That way the manufacturer can save
a few bucks in the manufacturing process and then market it as "Designed
specifically for Windows95!"

Printer manufacturers are beginning to do the same thing.

These devices could be made to work with Linux (or OS/2, etc) by writing a
driver for them. However, in most cases the manufacturer won't release the
tech specs, so the writer of a driver would be programming "in the dark" -
very difficult, maybe impossible.

In other words, these manufacturers are selling you dead-end hardware in
order to save a few bucks. I personally refuse to buy such hardware, and
encourage others to do likewise.

Can you tell I feel strongly about this issue? 

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
"Life is an ongoing classroom." - Capt. James T. Kirk, "Dreadnought"

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