Hi! I just switched X11 server from s3v to svga (the staroffice install freezes otherwise). Now I get the rather annoying problem: whenever I start X, all the virtual terminals get scrambled. I tried the allmighty "reset" inside one of the terminals with no success. I also tried "stty sane < /dev/tty0" with no effect. The only thing that worked was switching back and forth to a preexisting X server.
Questions: 1) what more can I try (outside reboot) to clear the terminals? 2) Any idea what X might do to cause such a scramble on *all* terminals? Every space has little black dot in it, there are permutations (eg "e" becomes "%"), but numbers are all OK. X is working fine, but I feel insecure to live with such garbage in the virtual terminals. Jean Orloff +++++++++ + + + + + + + ++++++ + Tel:(33)473.40.72.27 Fax: (33)473.26.45.98 + +++++++++ + + + + + + + ++++++