
  I tried:

  ssh-add (entered passphrase)
  And Bang ... It is still asking for the passphrase ...

  Ok, whatsoever ... I stick to entering the password by hand. The funny
thing is, that I created a key today for the first time, but was
accessing this repository for months without entering the password
manually. I wasn't working on that project for couple of weeks and now
it is not working anymore. What I changed is: SuSe 8.0 -> Debian
Stable/Testing/Unstable (same effect, no matter what version I use) and
upgrading from eclipse 2.0.1 to 2.1 M4. Any of this changes or some
change at sourceforge cut me off.

On Wed, 2002-12-25 at 21:28, David Goodenough wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 December 2002 17:38, Mariano Kamp wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   I am using eclipse (http://eclipse.org) to access a cvs repository by
> > using ext:. The problem is that it asks for the ssh password on the
> > command line. Anything I can do to pass it in automatically?
> >
> >   The short help of ssh looks like this:
> >
> > mkamp@hamlet:~$ ssh
> > Usage: ssh [options] host [command]
> > Options:
> >   -l user     Log in using this user name.
> >   -n          Redirect input from /dev/null.
> >   -F config   Config file (default: ~/.ssh/config).
> >   -A          Enable authentication agent forwarding.
> >   -a          Disable authentication agent forwarding (default).
> >   -X          Enable X11 connection forwarding.
> >   -x          Disable X11 connection forwarding (default).
> >   -i file     Identity for public key authentication (default:
> > ~/.ssh/identity)
> >   -t          Tty; allocate a tty even if command is given.
> >   -T          Do not allocate a tty.
> >   -v          Verbose; display verbose debugging messages.
> >               Multiple -v increases verbosity.
> >   -V          Display version number only.
> >   -q          Quiet; don't display any warning messages.
> >   -f          Fork into background after authentication.
> >   -e char     Set escape character; ``none'' = disable (default: ~).
> >   -c cipher   Select encryption algorithm
> >   -m macs     Specify MAC algorithms for protocol version 2.
> >   -p port     Connect to this port.  Server must be on the same port.
> >   -L listen-port:host:port   Forward local port to remote address
> >   -R listen-port:host:port   Forward remote port to local address
> >               These cause ssh to listen for connections on a port, and
> >               forward them to the other side by connecting to host:port.
> >   -D port     Enable dynamic application-level port forwarding.
> >   -C          Enable compression.
> >   -N          Do not execute a shell or command.
> >   -g          Allow remote hosts to connect to forwarded ports.
> >   -1          Force protocol version 1.
> >   -2          Force protocol version 2.
> >   -4          Use IPv4 only.
> >   -6          Use IPv6 only.
> >   -o 'option' Process the option as if it was read from a configuration
> > file.
> >   -s          Invoke command (mandatory) as SSH2 subsystem.
> >   -b addr     Local IP address.
> >
> >   I have also looked at the man page with not much of a success. I need
> > something like a parameter -pw xyz to customize eclipse.
> >
> >   Any ideas?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mariano
> You can not do it directly, but if you use ssh-agent and ssh-add you can
> add the ID file and open it with your password before you start eclipse.
> If you are using KDE you may find that ssh-agent is already started, and
> all you need is to call ssh-add.
> David

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