A vgetty documentation site:


I used to have a link to the mgetty+sendfax page which included the
sources and various bits of info for vgetty as well, but that link seems
to have moved...

I too have a USR Sportster voice on a shelf somewhere, and I was going
to set up vgetty, but... 

good luck (and let me know how it turns out!)


Mike Schmitz wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 11, 1998 at 12:45:27PM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
> > I am looking for tips of how to get US Robotics Sportster Voice modem to
> > work as a voicemail system. I have to software to get it work in Windows
> > but I do not want to go that route.
> vgetty
> --
>   Mike Schmitz     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz
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