Shouldn't you create an ext2 filesystem on that partition with mkfs ?

On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Jeff Miller wrote:

> Hello,
> My drive 0 (hda) has three partitions.  The first two are FAT32 Windoze and I 
> have wiped, removed, and re-created the third with cfdisk.  I selected 
> 'Logical' as the type, through cfdisk, and it was assigned a Type of 83 
> (Linux).  I can mount it and everything seems to be ok.  My problem is this:  
> I want to copy everything from my Linux drive (hdc) /usr directory to this 
> new partition but when I do 'cp -r * /newpartition' I get error messages that 
> report the drive type as UMSDOS.  The files seem to copy, but it doesn't 
> appear that I have the correct format on that partition.  Is any of this 
> making sense?  My goal is to mount that partition as /usr to make use of the 
> extra space, but I don't think I'm doing something right.  Do I have to do 
> something beside setup a partition with cfdisk?  
> Thanks In Advance
> Jeff Miller
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George Kapetanios
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