On 15 Dec 98, at 21:59, KTB wrote:

> Hi, thanks to all the people who have offered advice with configuring
> X-windows.  I have not been successful and am brain dead at this point. I
> also tried hooking up to the internet with the same result.  I chose the
> debian release because I wanted to learn more about computers (I have only
> used a pc off and on for the past year) and I like the philosophy behind
> Debian.  I am wondering if Debian is just too difficult for me at this
> point.  I am wondering if maybe I should try Red Hat, I have heard it is
> easier to install, and then come back to Debian.  Does this sound like a
> logical progression to anyone?  I don't have experience with either one so
> I just don't know the best course to take. Thanks, Kent
I ran into more problems than anyone should with my early 
experiences of Debian but have learned a huge amount from 
persevering and using the debian-user list humbly.  I found some 
books from O'Reilly about linux very useful but also sometimes 
very confusing as different linuces put files in different places.  
Using locate and find / -name 'wilcard pattern' helps when you've 
got enough system up and running.  

I've now installed Debian some ten times to produce three first 
running systems that seem pretty damn solid and I know far more 
about computers, operating systems and the internet than I did 
before and have had incomparable support from the debian-user, 
linux-scsi, aic7xxx lists.  

I'd stronly recommend staying with Debian but the one thing I've 
really had to learn is never to do things to deadlines: accept that 
some things may take a day or so just come clear in my head let 
alone get fixed.

I'm copying this to the list as a sort of "thank you" to so many 
people who've helped me directly or have asked questions or 
answered questions other than mine which have helped me!

Seasonal greetings all!


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