****** ABSOLUTELY ******

Get that book!  I have that book myself and it is INVALUABLE!!!!
Sockets are covered but so are a myraid other U*NX networking issues.
Highly recommended for anyone writing U*NX network code.
"Unix Network Programming Volume 1" by Stevens is solid gold.


At 02:45 PM 12/16/98 -0500, Shaleh wrote:
>On 16-Dec-98 Lazar Fleysher wrote:
>> HI Everyone,
>> This is not a debian-specific question, but have no-one else to ask. I
>> have been playing with sockets and can not seem to figure out how to use
>> select() system call. I am trying to monitor wether a socket is ready for
>> read and write. Read-monitor works ok, but wrtie --not. When the other
>> side closes the connection select still reports that the socket is ready
>> to write. Maybe i chould use some option in setsockopt or something. 
>> Also if some one could suggest a good reference on the sugject, I would be
>> very grateful.
>Zoro, go to a local book store and buy W. Richard Stevens amazing book, Unix
>network programming volume 1.  Everything (I mean everything) you ever wanted
>to know about sockets and network programming is in this book.  It cost me
>US -- it is worth every cent.
>W. Richard Stevens is one of the top CS people -- up there with Knuth in my
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