I've got a couple of boxes running hamm. One has KDE as the wm (excuse me,
"environment"), and the other has FVWM. On both of them, when X starts,
the default xterm window looks great, but if I open another one, the
window is very wide and the font is widely spaced, l i k e  t h i s. I've
tried looking for various .rc files and man xterm and the like, but being
a newbie, I'm not sure I'd see the setting if it was highlighted in
yellow and was waving a flag.

Anyone know where I can fix second and third and etc xterm windows to look
like my first one?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
"Life is an ongoing classroom." - Capt. James T. Kirk, "Dreadnought"

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