Oops sorry, I think my original post wasn't very clear. I know how to change
mutts colours I have been using mutt on and off for two years. Its just that
I really like that particular colour combination and wondered where it came 
Just the colour section of muttrc would be great.


On Wed Dec 16, 1998 at 09:00:56PM +0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Subject: Mutt colours
>  Date: Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 04:44:29PM +0000
> In reply to:Patrick Colbeck
> Quoting Patrick Colbeck([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > Reply-To: 
> > Hi
> > 
> > This isn't really important but here goes anyway.  I have over the last week
> > or so being introducing myself to Debian and playing with Hamm and Slink. At
> > one point my Mutt mailer was running with a nice colour setup (not one I 
> > made
> > rather it was installed by one of the Mutt debs I used) that used quite a 
> > lot
> > of green rather than the usual red and blue setup. I have reinstalled my
> > machine with Hamm and a few bits of Slink and now it has gone back to the 
> > old
> > red and blue config. Does anyone know where the other colour scheme came 
> > from
> > as it was much easier on the eyes.
> > 
> > For the life of me I can't figure out which mutt dep it was in.
> > 
> > Pat
> > 
> Pat
>   The colors (sorry colours) are setup in your .muttrc file.  The
> Manual covers it very well.  Here is an example from my .muttrc
>    color attachment  green  black  # ..
>    color tree        red    black  # index
>    color header   brightyellow black   "^Cc:"
>    color header   brightyellow black   "^Date:"# pager header
>    color header            color4          color6 "^Subject:"
>    color indicator   white  blue   # index
>    color normal      white  black  # pager body
>    color quoted      brightyellow  black  # pager body
>    color quoted1     brightcyan black
>    color quoted2     brightgreen black
>    color signature   red    black  # pager body
>    color status      white  blue   # index status bar default: black white
>    color index red default "~z>10k"
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