I'v been fighting a bash problem since I first installed bo.  I figured
it was a bug in bash, but I've now upgraded (partially) to hamm and I've
still got it.  I'm running 

ii  bash            2.01.1-4       The GNU Bourne Again SHell

I'm trying to get my command recall to work in vi mode for root.  When I
hit the up arrow on the keyboard, it does recall the line, but I can't
edit it.  The right and left keys don't move, but beep at me.  The hjkl
keys just insert hjkl into the file.  Thinking it was in an edit mode, I
tried the ESC key followed by h, j, k or l.  Nope, just beeped at me. 
I've tried setting my FCEDIT=vi, set -o vi, EDITOR=vi.  Nothing seems to
work.  I'm at my wits end on this.  If I invoke bash as a normal user (I
use tcsh normally) the arrow keys don't work, but ESC-k recalls previous
lines (and ESC-j does as expected) and I can move around on the line
with h and l.  The i key does inserts, cw changes a word, r and R work
fine, etc.  So bash knows how, but doesn't work right for root.  

Actually neither work quite the way I want them to.  I'd like for the
arrow keys to work and the intraline editing.  

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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