On Sun, Dec 20, 1998 at 06:41:57AM +0100, Peter Berlau wrote:
> a little tip, if You never program before and You 
> not need to program especially in 'C' have also 
> a look to 'C++'.
> I, personally, think, the programming 'feels'
> more like natural thinking and the 
> Object-Oriented-Method is easier to understand.
> But, fortuanelety C is "only" a subset of C++
> if You can program it in C You also can program it in C++.

But C++ syntax makes C look beautiful!
(Actually C does have some beauty, but only from a hackerish point of
view. C++ has no charm.)

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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