On Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 01:13:30AM +0000, Charles Collicutt wrote:
> Windows is as configurable as Linux, you
> just have to know different methods.

I don't buy this, unless your "different methods" also cover programming. I
can easily configure any resolution and refresh rate I want to use in X,
under Windows, I am stuck with fixed values predefined by graphic driver

In Samba, I can give a Linux machine any OS level in the range. Window
machines use predefined values.

Under Linux, I can seperate the data by users and groups, and use
permissions to protect the integrity of my data. Maybe windows NT does offer
a similar functionality, I don't know, but Win98 just warns me to change
anything in the windows directory.

And please, tell me how I can change the IP number of my Windows box
without reboot. :)

(There are dozens of further examples. I am sure everybody on this list can
make up his/her own).

> I'm sorry that some of you have had
> such problems with Windows, if I'd had similar problems then I agree that
> linux would easily seem better. However, I have not had those problems (my
> copy of Win95 was not preinstalled, I installed it myself without errors).

Well, if it works for you, fine. Neither Windows nor Linux is the OS for
everyone. We all have our preferences and needs.

> I think that if I didn't enjoy playing games so much (more to the point:
> don't intend to develop games) then I'd choose linux over Windows easily.

I could play Discworld I under dosemu. This is just a simple example where
playing games is not a general reason to run Windows. I agree that most
state-of-the-art and hyper games are windows only.

> However, since I do need a Win95 partition anyway (to play games and to
> develop them - no companies to my knowledge develop games for linux)

I heard quite some companies are developing Games ON Linux because Linux is
a better development plattform than Windows. I can't verify this, though.

> I'm going to wait a bit longer before I make up my mind, but the
> temptation to let the Winborg empire assimilate me is getting stronger -
> which is a shame because you guys are a hell of a lot nicer than your
> average Windows luser :) If anyone can think of an excellent way to save
> my soul please let me know...

I am wondering why you are writing this mail. Nobody on this list can
persuade you to stay with Debian, and it is certainly not my intention
to do so.

But the way you are asking us for a reason to continue with Debian is
speaking for itself. Deep in your heart, you know that Linux is better, you
just have not found the right way to use it for your advantage. Everybody
uses Linux in a different way.

If you ask for my advice, remove all traces of Linux from your machine. Use
solely Windows. If at some time in the future you are bored by cookie
cutters approach to computing, come back and try again. Maybe Linux is the
right thing for you but not currently?

Regardless what you do, have fun!

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
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