Hello all,

All the ranting about Corel's misleading strategies aside, before I download
it (paying by the minute, you know), I'd like to know:

1) does it load Word 95 (or 97) docs *correctly* ?
2) does it write these *correctly* ?
3) can it cope with "fastsave" docs *correctly*?

With `correctly', I mean "does it also understand some done-by-myself
meddling with normal.dot and strange objects like embedded .bmps 
in such a fashion that what comes out of the printer does
look in some way like what I see on the screen etc, etc, ..."
(I had *quite* some problems in StarOffice with this)

I don't need the equation editor (LaTeX is my friend), but I'm perfectly
willing to sacrifice some megs on my HD for not having to reboot to NT
to read silly Word attachments to my e-mails...

Has someone encountered/discovered anything?


> ___________
> Felix Chang
> Hoogovens Research & Development
> P.O. Box 10.000
> 1970 CA  IJmuiden
> tel (+31) 251 492927
> fax (+31) 251 470114

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