On Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 12:52:06PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi,
 I really don't know if apt will replace dsecelect, apt has(afaik)
 no user-interface like dselect.
||/ Name            Version        Description
ii  apt             0.1.9          Front-End for dpkg

But, yes , You can download and install, upgrade packages or
the whole distribution from the net, 
for the `ftp's`  `http's` apt work with have a look
to `/etc/apt/sources.list'
You can configure this file to a ftp htp near You
I work with apt :
downloading packages and update or install new ones - ok
upgrading hamm to slink completely:
3 "strange's":
no more xterm
no xmodmap
instslled xfonts not updated,
no matter do it manually
apt-get update xterm ; apt-get install xterm
will also, if exist, replace or remove older packages You 
really not need .
> I was under the impression that apt would replace dselect and provide a
> more user friendly package manager.  But so far I've just heard about
> apt-get which sounds like just a script for installing debian packages
> directly from the net.  Could someone enlighten me on the true role
> and status of apt?
> Thanks,
> Mark.

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