Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
>>Hi, I'm trying to install Communicator 4.5 and can't get anywhere. 
>>I downloaded the file with Lynx from the netscape ftp site.  The file 
>>was saved in/root/communicator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
> # cd /root
> # tar zxvf communicator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
> this will extract the files into a directory called communicator-... 
> or something like that.
> # cd communicator*
> # ./ns-install
> When asked about where to install say /usr/local/netscape  The files
> will be installed under that directory.
> # cd /usr/local/bin
> Create a symbolic link from the bin directory tot he actual location
> of the executable.
> # ln -s /usr/local/netscape/netscape netscape
> You can launch communicator from /usr/loca/bin/netscape
>> I'm thinking the file shouldn't be in /root when I try to install it,
>> maybe it doesn't matter?  I tried moving it with mv 'file name' /usr
>> and I get a not valid command, another time I just got the root 
>> prompt # back.  I do a search "locate communicator" and it still 
>> shows the file is in /root/ comm....
> The final execuatable is not called communicator.  It is called
> netscape.

You can follow these instructions, they will probably work for you.
But, netscape won't be installed as a debian package.  From your
original message, it sounds like you were trying to install netscape
using dselect.

To install with dselect, you have to move it to /tmp:

# mv /root/communicator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz /tmp

and then run dselect, and select & install the "netscape" package,
which will find the file you just put in /tmp as it installs.

My other message talked about why the "mv" command above might not
be working for you.

You can use either method.  The advantage to using dselect is that
it will be easier to uninstall/upgrade later.


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