An easier solution is to open Disk Administrator {Start-Programs-Administrative
Tools-Disk Administrator} and mark the Linux partition as active.


Jeff Katcher wrote:

> "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." wrote:
> >
> > yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
> > dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
> > to use . . .
> >
> > It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
> >
> Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
> add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
> some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
> howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.
> Jeff
> --
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