Thanks to all who have helped thus far...

OK, so how do I get the change to stick?

I logged in as root, made the change in vi, saved it, exited and printed it
to the screen to check... everything looked good.  On reboot though, the
same error popped up again so I re-displayed the file, the file had "healed"
itself and removed the comment mark!

I tried it again, this time invoking the su privilege from root, verified
the change, rebooted, and doggone if it didn't "heal" my change again!

Where/How do I change this and make it stay changed?


-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Harlan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 25, 1998 12:54
Subject: Re: Modem trouble, Please help!!

> S:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS1

That's it; comment that line out.


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