
> Greetings all,
> Here's the scenario....
> five machines, 
> 1 - dedicated debian box
> 2 - dual boot (one laptop w/debian&win95, 1 box w/debian&win98)
> 1 - win nt 4 workstation box
> 1 - win 98 box
> this is the desired mode of operation:
> i would like to setup an intranet of sorts.  I've gone through most of the
> networking mini-HOWTOs...ip-masq, intranet, etc. but i'm a bit confused.
> i would like to connect all of the machines together (already done) with
> samba but i would also like to setup an internet connection via a modem on
> a debian box with ip masq but the ip that this box obtains is dynamic from
> my dialup.  This is where my confusion arises....how do i need to setup
> the other non-deb boxes so that they may surf the net also?  DHCP?

use static ip´s (maybe a "class-c"-network -- 192.168.xxx.xx), dhcp is a
method for dynamical assigning of ip´s, which in my opinion isn´t necessary
for only five boxes 

you have to install the tcp/ip-components at each wintendo box -- then you
can assign a static ip´s - but be sure each ip is uniqe ;)

install a proxy (maybe squid) or use transparent proxying (IIRC only
2.1-kernel´s) -- then you only have to config your other machines (e.g.
netscape) to use the debian-box as proxy-server

the dynamic isp-ip isn´t a real problem, the masquerading is able to let only
the packages destined for the outside through to your isp. IIRC there are
several ways to transmit internal packages to the outside (called routing) 
-- and i don´t know each
> On the other hand , when off-line hand i would also like to be able to let
> users on the non-deb boxes to
> telnet to the deb boxes when off-line.  (Can you tell i'm new to this
> networking thingy? ;))  Is this possible?
> if so just point me in the right direction!!!

that´s no problem, if they are connected (via lan) you only have to edit
their "hosts" and "networks" -- both are in the windows-directory
(i´m not sure if this is correct for nt but for 95/98)

just my 2 cents, pleas correct me if i'm wrong ;-)

until next mail ;)

      :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
      :       student of technical computer science        :
      :  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  :

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