As the other reply said, daemons are in /etc/init.d. You can do stuff
/etc/init.d/daemon (stop|start|restart|reload) or whatever it supports. If
a package failed to remove its functionality when you removed it, please
file a bug. Install the bug package (apt-get install bug) and see the man
page for it, makes things alot simpler.

On Sat, Dec 26, 1998 at 07:46:27PM -0500, Tom wrote:
> I decided to try the idled package which disconnects users after being
> idle for a specified period of time.  When I first discovered that it
> does not recognize someone in X as using the machine I tried to
> uninstall it using dselect.  After rebooting I was still being kicked or
> the system after 60 minutes.  I went back to dselect and purged the
> application. rebooted.  No change.  Next I decide to reinstall, but  to
> modify the config file. I tried to change the default idle time before
> log out to 300 minutes from 60.  I also added my user name to the exempt
> list.  Rebooted. This all had no effect.  
> My current idea is to remark out the line which loads this thing at boot
> up.  I am not sure how to do that, or even which file I need to edit. 
> Any help is appreiciated.  Thanks
> By the way, is it really necessary to reboot to turn of a daemon? 

Rafael Kitover

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