Thank you Peter for your reply.

Peter wrote:
> I dont' know, but if You are use the german mirror it could be happened
> try:
> entry in your /etc/apt/sources.list
> # begin of file /etc/apt/sources/list
> # Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
> deb slink main contrib non-free
> #end of file
> and than if You like to upgrade Your whole distribution:
> apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade
I think the sources.list-file was one of the problems... It had stable
instead of slink in it... but apt-get segfaults:
mother# cat sources.list
# begin of file /etc/apt/sources.list
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URLs
deb slink main contrib non-free
# end of file

mother# apt-get update
Get slink/contrib Packages
Get slink/main Packages
Get slink/non-free Packages
Fetched 582k in 15s (36.8k/s)
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Segmentation fault         

Hmm. Damn. Anyone with the same problems? Ill try dselect-apt if it also
segfaults and have a look for new apt-packages...

Thanks, Gery

Wolfgang Gernot Bauer
SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Sterneckstrasse 5, A-5024 Salzburg
Tel.:  ++43-662-8684-364
Fax.:  ++43-662-8684-44364

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