> Well, if you read this, I suppose that block has been lifted (maybe just in my
> case?).  IMHO, blocking AOL is a BAD idea - I can understand the need to

That's correct, I added your address to the list of valid ones just after
I saw the first of your mail which indeed didn't look like spam.

> control spam, but stopping messages from the world's number one e-mail service
> isn't a very friendly thing to do.  There are people that still use AOL
> constantly (especially here at the office) and run Linux as well.

In December a large amount of spam we receive originates from AOL,
only UUnet has a higher amount of spam output.  Since there are only
half a dozen active debian users who use their AOL account for Debian
lists it is convenient to simply add their address to our exception list.


        (Debian Listmaster and *)

If you come from outside of Finland, you live in wrong country.
        -- motd of irc.funet.fi

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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