On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Eric Gillespie wrote:

> I know this isn't a Debian-specific question but I'm at home for xmas and
> I don't have access to the newsgroups here, so forgive me this
> transgression.
> I have an 8gig hard drive which I made a single ext2 filesystem to hold my
> mp3s. While ripping and encoding some of my CDs, the fragmentation jumped
> to 45%, so I figured it was time to defrag. 

Are you sure? ext2 is quite good to keep files allocated continiously.

AFAIK, fragmentation percentage is not what you're
probably thinking. ext2 allocates space for file
in continious blocks which has some size limit (few megs?).
I believe fragmentation percentage means that more than
one continious block is allocated for file(s), but that
blocks might be as well following each other !

What does that mean? "Real" fragmentation percentage
always less than or equal to reported one, and i don't
know how to get the "real" one reported.

I might be very wrong though...



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