
I've tried to access a third RAID0 in a system without any success but
a strange error message.

I've set up /dev/md2 with

        # mdcreate -c8k raid0 /dev/md2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2

which resulted in this line in /etc/mdtab:

# mdtab entry for /dev/md2
/dev/md2        raid0,8k,0,0d445432     /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2

After that I added this MD device to the system:

        # mdadd /dev/md2
        # cat /proc/mdstat
        Personalities : [2 raid0]
        read_ahead 8 sectors
        md0 : active raid0 hda2 hdb2 819312 blocks 4k chunks
        md1 : active raid0 hda4 hdb4 7405952 blocks 8k chunks
        md2 : inactive sda2 sdb2 1984818 blocks
        md3 : inactive

This looks ok so far.  However I'm unable to format  this new RAID

        # mke2fs /dev/md2
        mke2fs 1.12, 9-Jul-98 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
        /dev/md2: Invalid argument passed to ext2 library while setting up 

I appreciate any hin wrt fixing this.  It sucks.



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