Kenneth Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >From time to time I have been directed to use a package from slink
> because the corresponding version from hamm is 'broken', an example is
> xfstt.  However I can't install *ANYTHING* from slink because I get a
> dependacy error due to lib6c being updated in slink (hamm has an older
> version).

This was actually a bug in slink's libc6.  Some packages in slink
and/or potato have been recompiled with a new libc6, which doesn't put
that restriction in.

> Can I get the source packages from slink and rebuild under hamm using
> the existing lib6c lib's in the interm?

Unless they also depend on other libraries only in slink, you
shouldn't have any problems.

In case you or other readers don't know how to use a source package:
 1. Download the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz files into one
    directory and run "dpkg-source -x whatever.dsc".
 2. cd into the resulting directory and run "debian/rules binary".
 3. "dpkg -i" the resulting .deb package.  *Don't* force it if it
    refuses to install - reinstall the old package and ask for help.

         Carey Evans

                  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

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