*- Stan Brown wrote about "Anyone know a program to read HP690C printer status?"
>       I have an HP 690C printer which I use. This printer
>       supportbi-directional communications under windoze, to tell when ink
>       cartrdiges are empty etc. Has anyone rverse engineerd this?

I get messages like this from the kernel and my HP660C in my

/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:37:55 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:38:05 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:38:15 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:39:03 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:39:44 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.1.gz:Dec 14 21:43:42 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.2.gz:Dec 11 15:40:46 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 
/var/log/messages.2.gz:Dec 11 15:40:56 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 

There is a program(sorry can't recall the name of it) that watches the
logs and can run whatever you want when it catches something.  I.e
launch an xmessage or send a mail.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
                                                           - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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