Þann 04. janúar 1999 reit Steve McIntyre svohljóðandi:
> >Has anyone been able to install this package and if so, where did they 
> >get it from, couse i downloaded it from two different debian mirrors.
> I got it fine, but I should. I'm the package maintainer... :-) Try running
> an md5sum on the package, and compare it against the one on the ftp site.
> My local copy is currently:
> hammer:~/debian/nas$ md5sum nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb 
> d3d548d5a4da01ddb4f9278ee6cef5d1  nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb
> hammer:~/debian/nas$ ls -al nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb 
> -rw-r--r--   1 steve    users       54818 Aug 28 00:15 
> nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb

Well...i found out what was wrong. Netscape was the problem i think, i 
told netscape to save it directly to the floppy disk instead of saving it 
first to a local drive and then copy it to the floppy. By doing this 
netscape somehow managed to trash some sectors and make the disk 
So it has nothing to do with the package, sorry if i caused you any 
worries :)

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson       |     Olafur Jens Sigurdsson          *
* Eðlisfræðinemi               |     Physics Student                 *
* Háskóli Íslands              |     University of Iceland           *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  

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