-----Mensaje original-----
De: Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Para: John C. Ellingboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: miércoles, 06 de enero de 1999 05:24 p.m.
Asunto: RE: Amazing installation. SCSI problems

>    Hi John
>    You are right, I don't have a bootable system. LILO hangs when it looks
>for the SCSI drive.
>    Here, in Spain, Marcelo E. Magallón says that it could be a termination
>problem with my card.. I'd tried his suggestions because I thought he was
>right, but they didn't work by now. Although I don't know exactly how to do
>it, I'll try your indications.
>    If you know any other sites where I could find info on debian's set up
>program and the installation of the modules, please send me their addresses
>(I will look for the info in the net but it could take me several days,
>weeks, 'cos I can't stay in for a long time because of the phone bill. if
>you're european you'd understand me. By the way, where are you from?, I'm
>from Oviedo, Principado de (principality of) Astuias , Spain).
>    Please, forgive me if my english is not understandable. My level is not
>as high as I wish. I must look the dictionary to find the words and I'm not
>sure enough about the syntax of what I'm writting. Think in english is not
>as easy to me as think in spanish and I tend to write it like I write
>    Greetings and thanx a lot
>Antonio A. Rivas

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