On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 01:03:12PM -0500, David Kennedy wrote:
> Hi, I was able to get Debian installed and everything I need working but I
> have a few questions:
> 1) How do you change the colours of xterm? Right now, when I click on it I
> get a black on white window. I can type xterm -bg black -fg white to get a
> new xterm window with the colours I want.

Changing the menu to insert the -bg and -fg switches is window manager
specific.  I use fvwm2, and created a ~/.fvwm2/main-menu-pre.hook with
this in it:

# Same as main-menu.hook, but entries are added at the
# very beginning of the menu.

# for example:
+ "rxvt" Exec rxvt -ls -sl 256 -bg linen -geometry 80x56
+ "rxvt (big)" Exec rxvt -ls -sl 256 -fn 10x20 -bg linen -geometry 80x56
+ "rxvt (black)" Exec rxvt -ls -sl 256 -bg black -fg white -geometry 80x56
+ "rxvt (black, big)" Exec rxvt -ls -sl 256 -fn 10x20 -bg black -fg white 
-geometry 80x56
+ "Emacs" Exec emacs -g 80x70
+ "Emacs (I18N)" Exec emacs -g 80x70 -fn fontset-standard

# and the following generates a horizontal line:
+ "" Nop

> 2) What is dwww? I noticed in the menu directory where all the names of
> entries into the debian menu are that lots of choices aren't being displayed
> because they require 'dwww'.
> 3) How do I set a screensaver to activate? The menu lists many but I don't
> know how to set them. Also, I downloaded the opengl(?) screensavers and I
> can run them but they aren't listed under the screensaver section.



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