Nidge, go to

There, you'll find the new-enough documentation (an easy tutorial, actually)
to get your named (bind) configured properly.  The named configs. have
changed recently.  After you've reconfigured your named, you'll be glad
you upgraded the OS.   :-)  


On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 10:23:38PM +0000, Nidge Jones wrote:
> After upgrading to 2.0, my named has broken.
> I previosuly had (for various reasons) a and a
> boot.options.offline. Which worked great.
> These specified forwarders etc to use.
> But now I have this file /etc/named.conf, which I have no idea how it works,
> or where to find some info on.
> Can anyone help me here, I really need to get DNS lookups going agn. At the
> moment DNS lookups are going to all sorts of hosts.
> But what I need is to know where/who to point *MY* dns server at my 2 ISP's
> numbers.
> This will at least get alot of stuff working again, at the moment my box is
> seriously broken since upgrading to 2.0 from 1.3.1
> Just wish I had left it all alone now :(
> -- 
> Nidge Jones
> -- 
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