----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian-Users <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Friday, January 08, 1999 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: Reduce scope to one distribution?

>> Morgan Fletcher writes:
>> > What happened: I had a system pointing at unstable, then I realized
>> > unstable is not slink, but rather potato. I didn't want a bleeding-edge
>> > distribution, so I pointed the system at slink (frozen). Now when I run
>> > dselect, there are potato-era packages listed that aren't really
>> > available to me, like kernel-source-2.0.36. Since apt can only see
>> > packages in slink, I'd rather my package database reflected that. How
>> > I restrict the package database and/or dselect to just encompass slink
>> > packages?
>> Sounds like you would like to run the nonexistent command
>> 'apt-get dist-downgrade'.  So would I.

No it sounds like he wants dselect to forget about packages it thinks are
available that arn't available any more.

> If you are feeling adventurous, take a look at 'man dpkg'.  There
>is a couple of switches that might be useful, like
>--forget-old-unavailable and the --get-selection/--set selection
>combo.  Please make a full backup of both /var/lib/dpkg/, and
>/var/cache/apt, before tinkering.
> --forget-old-unavailable might do what you want.  The selection
>switches might be use in concert with an update of the Packages
>file.  Lets say you use --get-selection to get the list of
>packages you have installed.  Now remove the data files in the
>dpkg & apt dir and select Update from dselect (a clean rebuilding
>of the data files).  Now run --set-selections so dpkg knows which
>packages are already installed.
> Try the -forget-old-unavailable and/or --clear-avail first.  One
>of these may help.
> There's bound to be a dpkg guru out there, somewhere.  Anyone?

I don't consider myself a guru but this sounds unnecessary to me.
>From what I read in the manual page dpkg has exactly the feature
you are looking for.

dpkg --update-avail | --merge-avail Packages-file
          Update  dpkg's and dselect's idea of which packages
          are  available.   With  action  --merge-avail,  old
          information is combined with information from PackĀ­
          ages-file.  With action --update-avail, old  inforĀ­
          mation  is  replaced  with  the  information in the
          Packages-file.  The Packages-file distributed  with
          Debian  GNU/Linux  is  simply named Packages.  dpkg
          keeps  its  record   of   available   packages   in

If you run dpkg with this option (--update-avail) it will forget about all
the packages that you don't want it to know about.  The option is about
available packages not installed packages so the get-selections,
set-selections thing is unnecessary.

I have used this option on a running system, it does not "forget" which
packages are installed, just the ones that were available but arn't in the
revised Packages file.

So to recap, just run

dpkg --update-avail Packages-file

where Packages-file is pacakages you do want your system to know about :-)

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