On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 11:24:38PM +0000, ktb wrote:
|I have looked at several books and from a beginners perspective the only ones 
I have
|found worth my money, at this point are:
|"Linux in a Nutshell," O'reilly Jessica Hekman
|"Running Linux," O'reilly  Matt Welsh & Lar Kaufman
|"A Practical Guide to Linux," Mark Sobell

Yesterday I saw a Linux book in a book store, I flipped through the book
and my first impression is it's quite suitble for beginners. I can't
commend more as I have not read it thoroughly. FYI, the book is called
"Linux A-Z", by Phil Cornes, Prentice Hall. The price is about US$25.

Rgds,         [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / ICQ UIN: C30E6 ]
Anthony.      [ http://icqtrack.hk.st -- Track your ICQ friend ]

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