Oh and the distribution of debian linux that I have came on a CD from Boot
magazine. I have made and installed the base floppies (from the CD) as well
as set the name and the root password. And i assume the CDROM is ok because
when I installed the drivers the message read something to the effect of, if
it didn't find and install the drive/drivers successfully then an error
message would appear. I then got a message saying that the driver
installation was successful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tom Persons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Monday, January 11, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: kernel

>If you're CD-ROM is working with the rescue floppy, then there shouldn't
>be a hardware problem.  Hmmm.  I think that there is a way to get a
>command prompt after booting to the rescue floppy.  Alt-F2 or Alt-F1?  Try
>them, then see if you can use 'cd' (change directory) and 'ls' (list) to
>figure out where you are and see if you can get to the CD.  If you can,
>you can use 'cp' to copy the .deb files onto your hard drive.  Don't put
>them in /tmp, because if you reboot with the boot floppy, /tmp will get
>erased (it is only temporary, after all).
>Alternately, you can download packages to your Windows partition and
>access them via linux.  Typically, the DOS partition is mounted under
>/dos.  Have you installed the base system with a set of floppies?  Has the
>machine asked for a name and a root password?  Where did you get the CD
>and floppies, because I would think that anyone selling a Debian
>Installation CD would put together a working product?
>Maybe someone else has some better advice . . .
>I'm going to sleep, so good luck!
>Richard Hall
>Network Services
>University of Tennessee

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