> ok.. so I can't get GNOME installed.. I've been told its easier to do,
> "ONLINE", I've even had offeres of help, once I get online.. so... how the

I too am stumbling with Debian. I got gnome to work by getting the
following files:

gdk-imlib1_1.8.1-0.1_i386.deb     libgtkxmhtml0_0.30-1_i386.deb
gnome-core_0.30-1_i386.deb        libgtop0_0.26.0-1_i386.deb
gnome-desktop_0.28.1-1_i386.deb   liborbit0_0.3.0-1_i386.deb
gnome-panel_0.30-1_i386.deb       libpanel-applet0_0.30-1_i386.deb
gnome-session_0.30-1_i386.deb     libungif3g_3.0-2_i386.deb
libglib1.1_1.1.3-1_i386.deb       orbit_0.3.0-1_i386.deb
libgnome0_0.30-1_i386.deb         slib_2c3-3.deb

I pretty sure that's all of them. I placed them in the same directory
and did a dpkg -i * and let dpkg do its thing. That seemed to work as I
now have gnome working. I'm not sure if I updated any other packages for
this or not. I had to upgrade some stuff to get lpr and apsfilter to
install because I couldn't make lprng and magicfilter to work for me.
Now only if I can figure out how to build window maker 0.50.2!

> heck to I get online with Debian?

I'm using wvdial right now. It's a snap to get configured. All you have
to do is run wvdialconf as root. I then added my normal user account to
groups dip and dialout so that I can run wvdial. Also don't forget to
add your DNS addresses to the /etc/resolv.conf file like so:

search .
nameserver ###.###.###.###
nameserver ###.###.###.###

If you need more help, the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO is invaluable. Check it out
in /usr/doc/HOWTO.


                                  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon                  -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __    
Chula Vista, CA              /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
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