On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Edwin Martin wrote:

> Hello,
> I walked into a strange problem.
> The variable timezone doesn't seem to work right. It should give
> the timedifference between GMT and the local timezone.
> I live in Amsterdam, so the difference should be (-)3600 seconds.
> But timezone tells me the difference is -1168 seconds, or about
> 19 minutes! Bit strange, isn't it?
> I use Debian Hamm, so my Linux is not that old. I can reproduce this
> on two Hamm-computers, installed by different people.
> Here's the code:
> // timetest.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <time.h>
> main() {
>         time_t t;
>         t = time( NULL );     // dummy instruction for localtime()
>         localtime( &t );      // sets tzname and timezone 
>         printf( "tzname=[%s,%s]\n", tzname[0], tzname[1] );
>         printf( "timezone=%ld\n", timezone );
> }
> And this is the output:
> tzname=[CET,CEST]
> timezone=-1168
> tzname Is correct, but timezone is not.
> Can anybody explain this? Is this a bug in glibc or something?
> Thanx,
> Edwin Martin.
> ---
>       The world is moving so fast these days
>       that the person who says it can't be done
>       is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
>                       -- Harry Emerson Fosdick

I've noticed a similar problem on my system. I first noticed me when
someone pointed out to me that my mail's time says "-0600 (EST)" which is,
of course, incorrect. It should read CST. I asked what was going on once,
but no one responded. I ran your little program and got this output:

That should be CST,CDT and 3600. Does anyone know what's going on here?

I almost forgot. I did not have this problem under bo. It began with hamm
and has continued into slink.

| pretzelgod                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
| "That's the problem with going from a soldier to a       |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot."      |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5                    |

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