Hi, Noah!

Thanks for the comments!
> > I was using plan, but it's daemon can 
> > spontaneously stop working without no apparent reason.  So I'm about to 
> > give 
> > up on it.
> I use plan occasionally, and haven't ever noticed the daemon stop working.
> Are you talking about the system wide netplan daemon, or the single user
> pland?  In either case, you could very easily write script to run from
> cron that does a ps -x, greps the output for the string pland (or
> netplan), and starts the daemon if it is not running.
I run plan in sigle-user environment.  It happens usually in the following way:
I login, start plan, before going home start xlock, next day plan may or may 
not work.  It's still running I can see it with "ps", but no messages pops-up 
on my screen.  I did not find any particular pattern in that phenomena.  It 
can stop working in the same day without interference with xlock.


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