Hi Frankie,

I got sms_client working on my laptop (version 2.0.7k under RedHat 5.0,
though). I also had a lot of trouble getting it to work from a "regular
user" account, but finally succeeded. First thing I did, since I wasn't
overly concerned with security on this machine, was to setuid the
executable root:root. Also I had to edit /etc/sms/sms_config to customize
lock file creation path (make sure this path is writable by a normal user).
Don't forget that libmodem will also create a lock file (in /var/spool/uucp
by default, I think - check the source). I had to create /var/spool/uucp
(which doesn't exist by default on RH) and give it the same kind of
permissions as /tmp (777 + t bit set).

Given all of this, it should work. I read another post recommending some
other program. I don't know about that one, but I would still recommend
sms_client, first for its stability, second for the number of
provider-specific drivers available. I think Angelo did a great job with

Should you need more help to get this to work, feel free to mail me back to
the address below.

Good luck.

Ph. A.


   /* Scitex Europe, S.A.      | Philippe Andersson                   */
   /* Dreve Richelle, 161, E-F,| PC & Network Specialist              */
   /* 1410 WATERLOO            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    */
   /* BELGIUM                  | +32-2-352.25.93 Fax: +32-2-352.25.84 */

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