> Dear Debian user's
> I could not compile the source for lyx 1.0.0pre6.  There were some linking
> problems which I could not figure out 

you need libforms-dev and xpm4g-dev.  Also, if you have previously had 
a debianized lyx, you need to use the


or it gets confused trying to find things, and it helps while playing 
to use

 (or whatever) so that you can tell the binaries apart.

>and a question to the lyx mailing
> list did not produce an answer. After "upgrading" my lyx to 1.0.0pre6 with
> an unofficial debian binary package I found two problems which may be
> bugs.  I have send questions to lyx@via.ecp.fr but got no reply.  Maybe
> someone on this list can help me:

that list is long gone.  It's now lyx-users@lists.lyx.org and 
> 1. I cannot in Afrikaans write "Dagsê, goeiemôre" etc.  The X compose key
> (Ctrl-Scroll Lock) does not work any more with Lyx and the compose key
> (accent-tie) does not allow êûôâ.

the options-latex has a setting to allow accents on all characters.  
Failing that, maybe something in ~/.lyx/lyxrc (i've never used anythign 
but english). 

> 2. The second problem is that it does no longer produce the Latex
> equivalent of \maketitle in it's output although it shows on the
> screen as it should.  The following (first the lyx file and then the latex
> output with some irrelevant lines removed):

I don't know anything about this, but try .pre8 (tommorowish?).  I 
think I saw something about this, and that it's fixed.  I've also 
forwarded this to lyx-devel.


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