On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 09:07:05PM -0700, Scott J. Geertgens wrote:
>   I recently installed slink, with gcc v2.7.2.3. Any attempts to do any
> compiling with gcc fail with a series of hard drive errors which seem to
> releate to some sort of DMA error (ie., hdb: dma_intr ....). I apologize
> for not having the whole error here. 
>   I have two Western Digital IDE drives installed, one a newer 6.4gig UDMA
> drive, and an older 1.6gig DMA drive. slink is installed on the smaller
> 1.6 drive (/dev/hdb3). The drives are detected correctly in the bootup
> message and I have seen no other errors thus far... but I'm unfortunately
> in great need of gcc locally at the moment! Any pointers/tips/fixes would
> be GREATLY appreciated ASAP.
>    Scott J. Geertgens
> -- 
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This happened to me, and I switched to single-user mode (init 1), and ran 
fsck.ext2 /dev/harddrivedevice. After that, reinstall the gcc packages. This 
should mark the sectors bad so the kernel won't write files to them. Any one 
else with more experience care to comment? 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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