You are not actually in the audio group. You want to (as root) edit
/etc/group, and add your login name (and the names of anyone else who
should be able to access the audio device, seperated by commas) onto the
end of the line beginning with "audio". eg, on my system, my login is
ieure, and my /etc/group looks like this:


which means, from left to right, that the group name is "audio", that
the password to access the group with "newgrp" is in the group shadow
file (/etc/gshadow), that the numeric group id is 29, and that the
logins "ieure" and "gwen" are in the group.

It's a simple matter of doing a chmod g+rw /dev/dsp* to fix the problem.

Incidentally, by typing `groups' at a shell prompt, you can see what
groups you are a member of. `newgrp' is for _temporarily_ granting
access to a group. try a `groups' both before and after you do a

Richard Hall wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
> > I guess you should put yourself in group audio.
> That's a slightly less brutal solution, but, alas, I'm not sure how to do
> it.  You see, I AM in group audio, but processes that I start run under my
> user ID, not my group ID unless I explicitly tell them to use my group ID.
> Just being a member of group audio is not enough.
> Oddly, if I login as me, switch to group audio with 'newgrp audio', I can
> use /dev/dsp, /dev/audio, etc, but I can't run 'startx'.  I don't
> understand this, as startx is rwxr_xr_x, so obviously I don't quite
> understand groups.
> Perhaps you can tell me exactly what commands you think I should run?  I
> would prefer to start Netscape by selecting it from the window manager
> menu, and not by explicitly typing a command.
> Anyway, thanks for your help.  I'm a little puzzled as to why I'm the only
> one having this problem, as I can't find anything about it on DejaNews.
> Did everybody else just change the permissions on the audio devices?  Do I
> need to reinstall Netscape with the .deb package now that I have sound
> support in my kernel?
> thanks,
> Richard Hall
> >
> > Sasha.
> > > I'm still trying to get sound to work in Netscape.  When I try to play a
> > > sound file, an error box pops up saying "Can't access device /dev/dsp".
> > >
> > > bash-2.01$ ls -l /dev/dsp
> > > crw-rw----   1 root     audio     14,   3 Jul 20 20:45 /dev/dsp
> > >
> > > I'm trying to get Netscape to run as group audio.  I changed both the
> > > wrapper script and the actual binary with 'chmod 2755' so that
> > >
> > > bash-2.01$ ls -l /usr/lib/netscape/netscape
> > > -rwxr-sr-x   1 root     audio     6929928 Nov  2 20:42
> > > /usr/lib/netscape/netscape
> > >
> > > When I run netscape, though, it runs under my user ID according to 'top'.
> > > The brutal solution is to change the permissions on /dev/dsp, but I'm
> > > trying to learn and to do it the right way, so if anyone can explain to me
> > > why netscape runs under my user ID, how I can change it, or even what
> > > commands I might use to investigate the problem (strace?), I would be
> > > appreciative.
> > >
> > > Richard Hall
> > > Network Services
> > > University of Tennessee
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
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> >
> >
> Richard Hall
> Network Services
> University of Tennessee
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

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