On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 03:27:55PM +0000, Rich Harran. wrote:
> I've been trying to get a dos partition mounted in group 'dos', with
> read-write permissions for those in this group.  I found an old thread on
> this, and now have:
> /dev/hda1 /mnt vfat unmask=0002,gid=101,uid=0,showexec  0 2
> in fstab, (where 101 is dos gid).  However, the drive mounts with
> permissions:
> drwxr_xr_x

This works for me:

/dev/hda1  /windoze     vfat    defaults,uid=1000,gid=101,umask=003     0  0

in /etc/fstab yields 

19:26 $ ls -d /windoze/
drwxrwxr--   7 alphengl windoze     16384 Dec 31  1969 /windoze/

with everybody below that having those same permissions.  I think "unmask" may 
be a typo.



Crazee Edeee, his prices are INSANE!!!

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