On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Chuck Stickelman wrote:

> > virtanen wrote:
> > If I run some dos-programs using freedos and dosemu, do I need to install
> > my dos-programs on a dos-formatted partition, or is it possible to use my
> > linux-partitions?
> >
> I've done it both ways.  I have one client who runs a DOS program 
that *must* have the data files and the executables in the same
sub-directory.  Since *all* of the clients data is to be on Linux
Partitions, we use DR-DOS and lredir to make that partiton look like
> a DOS subdir.  Works fine.
> > hv
> Chuck

Is it so, that it possible to install the whole dos as well on my
linux-harddisk? (I haven't installed the dosemu yet, but couldn't find it
out in the documentation, if this is the case. (Using 'hamm'.)


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