Bouncing this back at the list, as others may have this problem in the

On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 03:28:00AM -0800, Joris Huizer wrote:
> > Wow, most misleading subject line ever.
> Sorry, I was guessing on that :-S

Well, it's an understandable mistake, just not one that people would
have expected for this issue.  Most people would have thought you were
having difficulties with pop3, imap or stmp type daemons instead of a
web browser.

> I'll try lynx-ssl then. Are there any probs for that
> program or should I just use that instead of lynx ?

lynx-ssl is lynx with the crypto stuff compiled in.  I believe
lynx-ssl conflicts with lynx and will remove lynx automatically when
you install lynx-ssl.  

The reason lynx-ssl isn't the default is because crypto type tools are
illegal in some countries, or subject to bizarre export restrictions
under dangerous munitions laws in others (namely, the United States).
The crypto packages are on servers outside the US, so you don't have
to worry about running afoul of the latter.  The former is a fairly
rare instance, (almost?) universally specific to totalitarian

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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