On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 03:57:49PM +0100, Karsten Bolding wrote:
> I have tried to get roaming to work with netscape and experineced some
> very basic problems.
> I can not pass the auticentication - netscape keep re-asking for my
> passwd.
> My /etc/apache/httpd.conf was automatically changed when I installed
> libapache-mod-roaming_0.9.1-1.deb and if I look in this file all the
> things mentioned in /usr/doc/llibapache-mod-roaming/README are present.
> I tried to re-install  libapache-mod-auth-sys_1.10-4.2.deb with out any
> luck.

As far as I can tell libapache-mod-auth-sys doesn't work.
I got roaming access working forcing deinstallation of libapache-mod-auth-sys
and providing htpasswd file instead of using system password files.
Probably edited httpd.conf too - the section about libapache-mod-roaming.

> Karsten
> --
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