On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 07:42:50PM +0000, Nidge Jones wrote:
> Hamish Moffatt Writes..
> > Sounds like bad terminal emulation. I find that NCSA (and the related
> > Clarkson CUTCP) telnet have pretty poor terminal emulation.
> You missed the point. These NCSA 'terminals' have been working just fine
> under 1.3.1 - In fact damm excellent. This is a 2.0 problem, NOT NSCA!

It's due to a change in 2.0, but it's not necessarily a 2.0 bug.
A bug in the 1.3.1 terminfo files for that terminal type could have been
fixed or something.

> > On Windows I use CRT and find it to be most excellent.
> So do I. And like NSCA the CR is broken. 

Could be a joe bug; I don't use it much.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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