Frankie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Daniel Martin wrote:
> > 
> > Frankie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > I have just d/l doom shareware version, unfortunately, it wants
> > > for the X version, and the svga version wants
> > >
> > > What packages are these in?
> > > I had a look in oldlibs, but I'm not entirely sure what I should look
> > > for, so O didn't find anything.
> > 
> > You want the xlib-compat package.  I believe that this package has
> > finally disappeared from Debian 2.1, though, so you'll need a 2.0
> > (hamm) archive or CD.
> I have the cheapbytes 2.0 CD, and that doesn't seem to have an
> xlib-compat package on it. :-(
> Any ideas where else I might look?

Sorry; It's called xcompat, but you're right - I can't find it in 2.0
at all.  You may have to go back to 1.3.1 to find it.  Assuming you
can't find someone with a 1.3.1 CD, you can get the xcompat and libc4
packages (which I just pulled off my bo CD) from:


c3c4652f43e110de58fe4cec2a22771d  xcompat_3.1.2-4.deb
e161434c2d952ffce8c286d9343ff45a  libc4_4.6.27-15.deb

Unfortunately, I can't include the sources to these packages, as I
happen to have... misplaced my bo source CD.

Why, you may ask, were these packages dropped from Debian?  Well,
basically, because a.out is such an ancient binary format that it
should really be forgotten, and all of the support tools necessary to
make it work make continuing support of a.out format a somewhat
onerous burden.

Besides, these packages can't be built with the current Debian tools,
so it would take some amount of work to bring them up to the state
where they could be included again - it's not merely a matter of
taking on a whole load of rarely-used packages.

That said, I've been wondering why one of those emulators we've got
floating around couldn't be made to run libc4 a.out format...

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