On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 06:52:37AM +0000, tony mollica wrote:
> Hi.  I have a working diald setup on a Debian2.0
> box but there are a couple of messages in the log
> that I can't seem to find a solution to.  The items
> are logged when the link comes down.  These are
> the lines with my comments added:
> : Closing down idle link    ;no problem here
> : Terminating on signal 2   ;can't find a reference
>                             ;for this.

This is fine, it means that diald considers your link to be idle
(according to /etc/diald/standard.filter) and wants to close it, so sends a
SIGINT to pppd, the second line is from that.

> : Connection terminated     ;no problem here either
> : Failed                    ;what failed?
> : disconnect script failed  ;can't seem to get any 
>                             ;disconnect script to work.
>                             ;Any suggestions?

You don't need a disconnect script since your modem most likely support
hardware resets. If it does not, just make a script that looks like this:

echo "+++" > /dev/modem
echo "ath" > /dev/modem
echo "atz" > /dev/modem

only if simply not having a disconnect line in diald.options does not

> : Exit.                     ;OK.
> : Delaying 10 seconds before clear to dial.
>    I changed a parameter to make it 10 seconds between
>    redials, but why does diald end it's session with 
>    this line, which makes you wait 10 seconds before 
>    dialing a new connection?

Not sure, maybe because it thinks disconnect failed?

Rafael Kitover

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