On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Christian Lavoie wrote:

> I starting to think this whole mess started on a word understanding 
> problem. I wouldn't name such an organization a 'corporation', =P

Since "corporation" is the legal term for the type of entity I am
describing, I don't see what's wrong with calling it a democratic

> Nope. But it does indeed sounds real good. How can we do so?

An interesting question. The first step is (obviously) to convince enough
people. Especially the developers' we've been talking about. Surely they
have opinions?

| pretzelgod                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
| "That's the problem with going from a soldier to a       |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot."      |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5                    |

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