Rafael Kitover wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 05:47:49PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
> > thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:
> >
> > apt-get update
> > apt-get dist-upgrade


> >
> > What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
> apt handles these things very gracefully, and will pick up where it left
> off last time.

This is true, but it can go wrong.

This happened to me, and apt did resume and finish - but the package
that it was getting when the ppp link was severed got corrupted (or
incomplete download). All other packages were ok, but this was the cause
of much sorrow when the corrupt package disabled the package system
until it was removed by hand and reference to it removed from the
package database. If you use a static ip this probably won't happen to
you, but if you use dynamic ip, beware.


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